city in space - locations


Address: c/ Riera Baixa, 14
T/F:93 442 37 03 / 93 301 06 85
Opening times: Monday to Saturday 10.30am - 2pm / 4.30pm - 9pm
Features: The book "city in space" can be bought here at the shop.

The best vinyl store in the '50s to '70s category, with originals as well as represses. The store has its own label and is very well run.

content | locations | map | english
book order: international | germany | switzerland

Editor: Lurker Grand, Photographer: Tobias Madörin, Author (Book): Meret Ernst, Author (Guide): Lurker Grand, Art Direction Barcelona: Cindy Heller, Spanish Translation: Irene de la Morena, English Translation: David Ingram, Webdesign & Shopping Database: KNK, Publisher: Vice Versa Verlag Berlin, Copyright Photos: © 2001 - 2024, Tobias Madörin, Copyright: © 2001 - 2024, Lurker Grand.