city in space - locations


Address: c/ Nou de la Rambla, 113
T/F:93 441 40 01 / 93 442 51 83
 Entrance fee 1’500 Ptas. (include one drink).
Opening times: Friday / Saturday and public holidays midnight - 6am
Features: Films concerts and other events during the week - see listings.

Elegant old ballroom. Good events are held at weekends under the name Nitsaclub.

content | locations | map | english
book order: international | germany | switzerland

Editor: Lurker Grand, Photographer: Tobias Madörin, Author (Book): Meret Ernst, Author (Guide): Lurker Grand, Art Direction Barcelona: Cindy Heller, Spanish Translation: Irene de la Morena, English Translation: David Ingram, Webdesign & Shopping Database: KNK, Publisher: Vice Versa Verlag Berlin, Copyright Photos: © 2001 - 2024, Tobias Madörin, Copyright: © 2001 - 2024, Lurker Grand.