city in space - locations
Walden 7
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Architect: Ricardo Bofill / Taller de Arquitectura
Year: 1970 to 1975
Address: Sant Just Devern
Bus: Line 157 from Plaça Espanya / 63 from Placa Pius Xll
T:93 371 80 63 (catalan)
Opening times: Main office 8.30am - 1.30pm / 4pm - 7pm
Features: Parts of the Walden can be visited by groups with the prior permission of the administrative office, if accompanied.

In 1970, when Ricardo Bofill was planning the Walden 7 complex of buildings on the western edge of Barcelona, in Sant Just Devern, on the site of a disused cement factory, Stanley Kubrick was working on his film A Clockwork Orange (GB 1971), which is set in the suburbs of London. Walden, and the project Taller de Arquitectura that was planned three years later, would have made a fantastic backdrop for that movie. Even 30 years on, Walden has lost none of its fascination. The lowermost regions of the "City in Space" contain entrances, offices, shops, bars and interior courtyards. A total of 446 residential units of all sizes and standards are attached to 18 tower-like structures. A labyrinth of staircases, elevators and connecting corridors surrounds seven differently-designed interior courtyards. The roof areas of the individual towers have been equipped with two swimming pools and recreation areas for the inhabitants.

Walden 7Walden 7Walden 7Walden 7Walden 7Walden 7

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Editor: Lurker Grand, Photographer: Tobias Madörin, Author (Book): Meret Ernst, Author (Guide): Lurker Grand, Art Direction Barcelona: Cindy Heller, Spanish Translation: Irene de la Morena, English Translation: David Ingram, Webdesign & Shopping Database: KNK, Publisher: Vice Versa Verlag Berlin, Copyright Photos: © 2001 - 2024, Tobias Madörin, Copyright: © 2001 - 2024, Lurker Grand.